West End United Methodist Church

Advent Wreath Workshop

The Advent Wreath Workshop will be December 3, 2023.  We will be gathering in the gym to make wreaths to prepare for the Advent season of waiting and hoping for the birth of Christ. We hope to see everyone there, no registrations required! 

The wreath making event will include an Advent worship time, celebrating the 1st Sunday of Advent! Resources and devotional materials will be available for church families to observe lighting the Advent wreath candles in their homes during the Advent season. 

We’ll also have crafts, cookies and cocoa, and a mission station! 

Our mission is twofold this year. 

  1. We’ll be making Christmas cards to spread cheer to our Sunny Day Club members and to our homebound members. 
  2. We’ll be collecting diapers and baby wipes for Nashville Diaper Connection to support their work of providing diapers to families in Nashville who need them.  To read more about their ministry: https://www.nashvillediaperconnection.org/what-we-do 

If you have questions, please contact Maggie Jarrell at mjarrell@westendumc.org.